Car Insurance For Foreigners in USA

CarInsurance For Foreigners in USA: Thousands of cars cross the United States border every day and to do so they only need a valid driving license and license plates from the country of origin. In addition, it should be noted that it is likely that the Department of Motor Vehicles of the state in which the car circulates could require something additional.

What is essential is auto insurance that covers at least driver and occupant injuries, and also damage to third parties in property and people that it covers in both countries.When hired in the country of origin, the company must deliver a policy certificate in English.

What should the border zone insurance contain?
The authorities of the United States can accept basic policies, already mentioned above, and full insurance with coverage that assists the driver and his passengers.

Basic insurance package in the United States
The coverage is as follows:
    Civil Liability in Assets and People: damages caused to other drivers are covered in their assets, which can be a house, car or business. In the same way, physical injuries and even death of affected third parties are protected. This coverage must be extended to the United States and Canada.
    Civil Liability Excess Death: the insured amount is increased to almost completely compensate the death of a third party.
    Legal Assistance: if the consequences of an accident make the insured accountable to the authorities, this coverage will provide an attorney, legal defense and even payment of bails. There is no limit of uses.

Additional coverage in the vehicle policy
Some companies offer add-on packages, or allow the insured to choose multiple coverages that fit their driving needs. The plans that can be found are:

    Material Damage: repair or compensation of the car as a result of a road /Car accident.
    Total Theft: covers the theft of the car/vehicle or material damage in case of breakdowns derived from the theft of the car.
    Roadside Assistance: provides support from mechanical experts in situations such as, flat tire, crane service, current delivery and many more services.
    Medical Expenses to Occupants: indemnifies or reimburses hospitalization expenses of the insured and their occupants and even pays for ambulance service and funeral expenses.
    Substitute Car: while the car is repaired or located, the insurance company provides a vehicle with the same characteristics or same vehicle as the insured so that it can continue with its activities.

Damage coverage to uninsured third parties is very helpful because the insurance will respond for the damage caused by a car that has escaped.

It is important to highlight that each insurance company has different coverage, amounts, benefits and guarantees. But the aforementioned are the most common or those that offer comprehensive protection.

Considerations when purchasing border auto insurance
It is important to take into account the following aspects when contracting this insurance to circulate in the United States:

    Sum insured: is the amount for each coverage. For example, in Medical Expenses it can reach Upto $ 400,000 pesos or in Civil Liability more than $ 3,000,000 pesos. Verifying this term will reveal the level of protection that each company provide to vendors.
    Payment methods: the company must show the liquidity options of the policy such as cash payment, installment payment, direct debit in each monthly payment. In addition, it must offer different means to make the disbursement such as credit cards, debit cards, payment in self-service stores, etc.
    Car use: the car can be for private or commercial use. It is necessary to specify it because if an accident occurs and the car was used to work (and was notified for cargo use) the company would not be obliged to cover the damages.

    Vehicle age: some insurers will not admit units over 20 years old, or they will charge a surcharge for this. The same will happen with age, if the person is over 70, they could pay a little more for their policy.

Drivers with foreign plates in USA can purchase a policy in the border area, or online. Some of the sites:

    National Unity: has policies for the northern country and Canada. Includes Medical Expenses for Occupants, Roadside Assistance and more coverage for foreigners. It also has plans for motorcycles.
    USA Insurance: you can choose insurance coverage for one day and up to one year. Allows you to extend RC coverage if you have insurance in Mexico that protects in the United States and Canada. In addition to motorcycle plans, it has coverage for rental cars.
    CruceSeguro: offers compulsory Civil Liability Insurance and additional assistance such as tourist orientation, legal services and repatriation of the rest.

There are many more insurance companies both in Mexico and in the border zone. So there are more options to compare, quote prices, coverage or benefits that suit the type of car and / or driver.

Online listing platforms are an easy way to find and comprare multiple insurers on one site. Therefore, it is worth taking some time and carefully choosing insurance to travel to the United States, because in addition to being mandatory, it is the best way to take care of the heritage and the family.