Why is auto insurance important?

Whyis auto insurance important: Having an auto insurance policy, more than being an expense is a very profitable investment. Currently in different entities of most of the countries, having an insurance policy for car is an obligation by the law; at least you must have contracted a liability coverage that protects you in case you are immersed in a road accident.

According to data from the AMIS, injuries, disabilities, and death due to a traffic accident cost more than 120 billion pesos a year. Thats Why, the authorities decided to make the hiring of an auto insurance policy compulsory to circulate on federal highways and highways; likewise, some local governments also incorporated this requirement in their legislation.

It seems that having auto insurance is just another expense that we must cover. However, if we stop to think about it a little, insurance coverage for your car is one of the best ways to protect your assets, from the value of your car in case of theft or for damages occured by a traffic accident; until saving you the excessive expenses that can result from the medical treatment after a road accident.
The same AMIS refers that a death compensation can range from $ 300,000 pesos to up to $ 3,000,000 pesos; But if you have a good insurance policy that covers these incidents, your economy will be safe.

Among the different offers that you can find in the market to buy insurance for your car, it is important  that you choose a serious institution with experience in the field, in this way you will be sure that you will have their support when you need it most.

With the high rates of vehicle theft, which have been increasing  in recent years, insuring your car with a reliable institution is essential. It sounds somewhat illogical that more than 70 percent of cars in Mexico are not insured, and many times it is because they do not have an insurance culture, or may be they think they are very expensive.

What if I don't have Auto Insurance?

In Mexico City and the metropolitan area, where nearly 10 million cars transit, it is a must to have a liability insurance policy. If you do not have this basic coverage or some other more complete auto insurance, you will receive a fine. The rules of the traffic police can stop your car and ask you to display your Civil Responsibility policy and if you do not have it you will be credited with the sanction.

In this context, having auto insurance is a prevailing need and is a win-win investment, since insurance coverages, such as those offered by El Aguila Compania de Seguros, which provide you with additional services such as roadside assistance in the road, legal telephone advice, tow truck service, among many other benefits that will make your car trips more enjoyable, for the peace of mind of having all that support.